After almost a decade of operation, the staff and Board of MRBO determined that it was crucial to bring our scientific background and passion for conservation into the realm of policy. Advocay is the third pillar of MRBO's Mission Statement: to advocate for sound, science-based conservation that benefits birds, other wildlife and environmental quality. Though the various threats to birds, other wildlife, and their habitats are well known, a substantial amount of policy is proposed, and often passed, through our legislature each year that undermines wildlife conservation. MRBO’s advocacy work is non-partisan and focused on wildlife and habitat issues. Policy advocacy takes place primarily in the state of Missouri, though at times we partner with conservation groups in other states to work on regional or federal policy.
MRBO’s conservation policy priorities include:
- preservation and restoration of imperiled ecosystems
- sound management of wildlife habitat and populations
- reduction in waste, particularly single-use plastics
- reduction in avian collisions with windows
- the use of native plants in any taxpayer-funded landscaping or habitat restoration
- movement towards clean energy in a manner that considers wildlife impacts
- movement towards an ecologically-sustainable agriculture system
- support for the Missouri Departments of Conservation and Natural Resources
Important partners in the policy realm with whom we work closely include the Conservation Federation of Missouri, Missouri Coalition for the Environment and Stream Teams United. Since these organizations have staff members dedicated to examining, interpreting and evaluating the impacts of legislation, MRBO often uses their input along with background research of our own to determine stances on particular bills.
MRBO’s advocacy action takes many forms. MRBO staff members write to and meet with representatives, testify at hearings in the State Capitol, attend and co-sponsor lobby days, hold trainings for concerned citizens, keep our social and professional networks informed about current issues, and more. You can help!